Tag: PIC

The Comfort Zone

When we are tasked with things we have little or no experience in, it can pull us out of our Comfort Zone. That can be a good thing, even if it feels like a bad thing.

Top 5 of 2022

Here it is, 5 of the most interesting, thought provoking, and inspirational stories of 2022!

The Two Sides of Pride in your Career

Pride in your career can be a good thing and a bad thing in a person’s attitude.

The Great Risk Shift

For over 100 years companies have gotten better and better at shifting risk onto the professional. Here are some ways they do it.

Masks and the Work Environment

Are the professional masks we wear a good thing or a bad thing?

Dodging Bullets

My writings for pelusopresents.com are currently focused on topics that span the collision of professional world and life. My focus is on the non-manager, the Professional Individual Contributor or the PIC as I have dubbed them.   These collisions exist throughout […]

Three Legged Stool of Retirement Coda – The fallacy of 70%

Financial experts advise having 70% of your working income for retirement. It’s just not enough.

Labor Day and the Professional Worker

What does organized labor from the 1880’s and today’s Professional worker have in common?

Algorithmic Management

Q: What is the scariest thing that exists for Professionals? A: Algorithmic Management!