Tag: Lifestyle

Stories I: Our Story

We have to be able to understand the story of our life, and if we need to change it.

The Three Facets of Relationships

There are three reasons why we need relationships and none of them have to do with being in Love.

Single / Single Syndrome: Single Parents With Only Children

Single Parents with Only Children have some very unique challenges in life. It’s a growing problem and i’m not sure there is a cure.

Can You Make A Difference?

No matter if you are on the level where you are designing the system or providing the services, everyone wants to make a difference, but can you really do it?

Top 5 of 2022

Here it is, 5 of the most interesting, thought provoking, and inspirational stories of 2022!

(X) Life

Lifestyle shows can be fun, but they never tell you everything. Should They?

The Pet Relationship Lifecycle

Is getting a pet now a standard step in the lifecycle of young relationships?

What Does Your Forever Education Plan Look Like?

You can’t stop learning. This is well known. But how do you decide how you want to learn for the rest of your life?

Cross Country Considerations I: Inflation in our Minimum Acceptable Standards

Cross Country I is all about the question of why we all have started to expect things to be nicer and better than they need to be.