Tag: inspiration

The Intersection between Cowardness & Common Sense

When are you being a coward and when are you showing great use of common sense?

I’m feeling kinda Blue Blazer

Some days you just feel blue, then you reach for that blazer, and things can change…

Email and Underwear: The Luddites were right! Simplify!

Too many people have thousands of emails stressing them out, and they don’t understand the benefits of letting it go away!

Old Media, New Media and Careers: Danger Will Robinson, Danger Will Robinson, Danger!!

There is a connection between old media, new media, and your careers, and the connection brings both good and bad.

Everything I needed to know about Business I learned from Comic Books

It was a dingy little hole in the wall comic book shop.   It was on Johnson street a little less than a mile from my High School in Hollywood Florida in the mid to late […]

Reaching for the Goal

All professionals have goals, but what happens when the goal changes in your life? Be prepared for some serious reactions!

The Breakdown Box for Life

What a telecom test set taught me about myself

Can you use Piracy as a Marketing Tactic?

Here is a novel concept, how about the use of Piracy as a bonafide way to get new customers.

How Deep Fried Twinkies Can Destroy Dreams

Deep Fried Twinkies at Walmart are a sign of how corporations lose sight of the big picture.