Tag: Featured


Putting down roots in a community is not the same as putting down roots in other parts of your life.

Onboard Revenue at the Zoo

The biggest lessons at the Zoo are not about the animals!


Lists are one of the most powerful tools we have!

Could Self Driving Cars Become the Modern Equivalent of Employer Provided Health Care?

Could / Should Employers adopt the self driving car for a standard employee benefit?

Professional Hygiene

Hygiene Factors are important at work, they are especially important for Professionals!

How iPhones adopted the worst aspect of Cars

When bad things happen to good people who want great smartphones.

Starting A New Job

Learning how to get started in a new position is a job in and of itself.

Modern Families: You Need Three!

One parent = Modern Normal , Two Parents = Traditional Ideal, Three Parents = What’s really needed!

Top 5 of 2018

Greetings and Happy New Years!   It’s time again for the annual ‘Top 5 List’ where we post the top five articles of the year.  Even though I wrote two years ahead with articles to give […]

Gift Giving @Work!

The Good, The Bad, and the Best way to give gifts at Work!